Nonsuch, Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath

Nonsuch, Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath
Price on Request
Development Site
For Sale
4,047 sq.m.
James L. Murtagh Auctioneers are delighted to present this excellent residential development opportunity with Full Planning Permission for the construction of 4 no. semi-detached two storey houses at Nonsuch, Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath. Full Planning Permission was grant in August 2024 under Planning file ref: 2460102.
This is an excellent opportunity for developers, investors, builders, and those looking to satisfy the requirements of Housing Associations and Local Authorities. We understand all mains services are available however, all parties will need to satisfy themselves as to availability, capacity and adequacy of same. The proposed development is subject to all necessary site works and conditions in the grant of planning.
Zoning The lands are zoned Established Residential under the Westmeath County Development Act 2021 -2027. Under the Established Residential zoning, the objective is to Support high quality residential consolidation and sustainable intensification at appropriate locations in a manner that does not impact negatively on the amenities or character of an area.
The subject site is located on the R395 from Packenhamhall Road in the townland of Nonsuch in Castlepollard village. Castlepollard is a village in north County Westmeath, it lies west of Lough Lene and northeast of Lough Derravaragh and Mullingar. The village is known for its built heritage and is home to Tullynally Castle, a Gothic Revival castle and Fore Abbey, where the ruins of a Benedictine Abbey stand only a mere 5km from the subject property. The village offers an array of both social and essential services and facilities, and is within immediate access to the transport nodes. The village has a dedicated Local Action Group stemming from the Westmeath County Councils five year action plan for Castlepollard adopted in 2018. The aim of the plan is to consistently build on and promote business and commercial, services and amenities, culture, heritage and tourism and sustainability. Castelpollard Community College is set for a major expansion and upgrade of the facilities having been given the green light for the development in January 2024. Castlepollard has also been selected for the Governments Town Centre First Initiative a programme aiming to tackle vacancy and dereliction and each town has been allocated '30,000 to complete a comprehensive town plan. Those who choose to live in Castlepollard have the benefit of the village services and facilities yet also enjoy the peaceful countryside living.